Piano & keyboards: Nick Syrett
Guitars: Holden Waide
Additional keys & programming: Sammy Syrett

Producer: Sammy Syrett
Mix engineer: Sammy Syrett
Cover design: Jaclynn Braden
Video: Jordan Vanderplate
Mastering: Miles Showell, Abbey Road Studios

 “This album could not have been made without the encouragement and amazing production talents of my dear son, Sammy. You always make me so proud.”

Nick Syrett would like to express his deepest thanks to:

Maggie Syrett - for being the love of my life
Sammy & Naomi Syrett - for your many sacrifices in making this album and for all you are to us
Mum & Dad - for everything - including buying me my first piano!
John & Margaret Wright - for your continual love, encouragement and prayers
Alfred Turner - for laying the musical foundations
Michael Hurren - for being the zaniest, most inspirational school music teacher ever
Aaron & Rose Lasky - for giving me my first place in a band (and for mentoring me)
David & Emma Rudolph - for teaching us how to fly and to attempt the impossible
Cyril & Gabrielle Thomas - for believing in me and giving us such a wild opportunity
Chris DuPré - for the many hours of learning from you while in your worship band
JoAnn McFatter - for encouraging me to step out spontaneously and go for it!
Julie & Walt Meyer - for the fun, the laughter, the songs and the wisdom
Daniel & Gwen Brymer - for your friendship, wisdom, inspiration… and that song
Avner & Rachel Boskey - for loving us like family and supporting us when we needed it
Homer & Mimi Lanier - for the deep friendship we will always share
David Pawson - for the years of learning from you and the honour of being counted among your friends
Rick & Patti Ridings - for helping us, for loving us, for trusting us, for praying for us
Red & Jude Archer - for fun, fun, fun and your many words of wisdom and encouragement
Misty Edwards - for your sweet friendship over the years… oh, and sorry about the trailer
Brown & Debbie Bannister - for your friendship, support, and all those countless hours you gave to us
Skyler & Jaclynn Braden - for sticking by us all these years and for our two youngest friends!
Paul & Linda Schultheis - for believing in us and giving us the opportunity to serve so many
Bob & Leslie Doll - for believing in this project and helping it come to pass
Kay Zahasky - for your glass is always full, seize the day, cheerful optimism that always encourages us!

….and to the many others who have believed in me through the years and encouraged me to play. Thank you!